Product Availability

Although availability may be indicated on the site, we cannot guarantee product availability and products, nonetheless, may not be available for immediate delivery. We reserve the right, without liability or prior notice, to revise, discontinue, or cease to make available any or all products or to cancel any order. If there is any revision, discontinuance, or cessation, we may, in our discretion, ship products which have substantially similar functionality and specifications to the products ordered or cancel your order.

Colour Variations

Please note that the colours appearing on our store website will vary slightly depending on how your monitor is calibrated. We have made our best effort to display the most accurate colours of our products displayed on our website. We cannot guarantee that your monitor’s display of colour will be accurate.

Privacy Policy

All information you provide to thewanderingwit.com is strictly private and confidential

According to the Data Protection Act we will treat all such information including address, email and name in the strictest of confidence.

Customer information will not be disclosed to or shared with any persons outside of The Wandering Wit
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